Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Public Schools

Here's another reason I am glad my child goes to Propel-Montour. Here's an excellent letter by Elliott resident Beth Caldwell.

Letters to the editor
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

With cutbacks, Roosevelt's raise is out of line
I am shocked at city school board members supporting a raise of $15,000 for school district Superintendant Mark Roosevelt ("City Superintendent Receives $15,000," Aug. 28).
What other organizations in the region offer this generous of a raise to their executives on an annual basis?
Wouldn't we all enjoy such rewards from our employers?
I am the proud mom of two Pittsburgh Public School students and an advocate of Mr. Roosevelt and the district; however, this year both of my sons' schools have suffered from "budget cutbacks."
My youngest son now travels 1 hour and 40 minutes each way to school due to combined bus routes, meant to "save money."
My high school student has a library available to him just two days a week to "save money."
How can the board justify such a significant raise while our students, teachers and principals continue to struggle with cutbacks?


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