Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Arthur M Fording

I'm on a small vacation this week, so I don't really have computer access. I had a short window of opportunity here, so I figured that I would share something that I always found fascinating.

There are many recollections of historical facts out there about the West End and Elliott, but this excerpt from Arthur M. Fording's - Recollections and Reminiscencesof West End -- Pittsburgh, PA

Apparently this reference book is catologued at the Carnegie Library-West End Branch. Here is a small piece of this story.

"Little settlements known by distinctive names comprised the West End Section, although never having a corporate existence.Thus we had Crotsburg, up near the Point Bridge. The territorial limits of Temperanceville commenced about where the West Side Belt Railroad crosses Steuben and South Main Streets up the Saw Mill Run Valley to the Old Stone Tavern On the Run, and about to Schmelz' Brewery on Steuben street and comprising part of the hillside on the westerly side of Steuben Street and also that part of the hill adjoining the old Noblestown Road and South Main Street.Reesville was on the easterly side of Saw Mill Run between old Bridge Street (later Park Way and now Plank Street) up the Run to where it is crossed by Independence Street on old Washington Pike.Tinkersville lay between the Old Stone Tavern and the site of the present brick works of James T. Fox.Shalerville lay beyond that to the foot of Mt. Washington."

Please read the entire article that you can find HERE. There are alot of interesting facts that you might find that you never knew about.

I will be without access again until Monday the 25th. See you Then.

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