Monday, August 4, 2008

West End Bypass

Someone made a great point about opening the Wabash Tunnel in a letter to the editor.

Let's go, Wabash
With the construction project at the West End Circle, doesn't it seem like a good idea to lift the restrictions on the HOV lanes in the Wabash Tunnel?
Let more people use the tunnel. It would give a lot of people the chance to see the benefits and hopefully continue to use when the West End project is completed.

Green Tree

Here's a small update from the Gazette.

West End Bypass -- The new South Main Street bridge between Steuben and South Main streets is to be done in October. That will reopen the "back door" route to the city, end the short but congested detour through the West End and ease pressure on the Parkway West, especially inbound in the morning.

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