Personally, I think 5:30 is entirely too early to begin Trick or Treating. Let's face it, most parents work until 5:00. There is no way to get home, get your kids dressed into costume and out the door by 5:30, especially if you want to feed your kid dinner first, which for some reason parents like to do. Even if the people that have kids, take 1/2 day vacations, or leave work early like I am doing, there still may not be any people home to hand out candy at 5:30. Why did it change from 6:00? This 1/2 hour makes a big difference for people getting home. I hope the reason isn't that it is safer for the kids at this hour, becasue it is completely opposite. People are in such a rush to get home, there is more speeding on streets such as Steuben and Chartiers. If I was in charge, Trick or Treat would be 6:30-8:30. that would give everyone a chance to get home safe and get ready for the evening. I don't think 8:30 is too late although some people might. I also agree with this girl from Oil City and I think it should be dark out when kids are trick or treating. I sure many people will disagree with me on this issue, but the decorations just don't work in the daytime.
Also tonight is the first Langley Football playoff game in 20 years. I would be attending if it weren't for the Trick or Treat festivities. Langley will take on 1st place Brashear who beat Langley 48-14 in their regular season meeting. The winner of this game will take on Perry in the City league title game. Here is a nice article talking about Langley reaching the playoffs.
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